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Alexander Henry Coffee

CHEMEX® Six Cup Classic

CHEMEX® Six Cup Classic

Regular price $68.50 CAD
Regular price Sale price $68.50 CAD
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Undoubtedly one of the most recognizable and elegant coffee makers available. The CHEMEX® was designed in 1941 and has been making delicious coffee ever since.

Its non-porous, heat-resistant glass construction, combined with proprietary, scientifically designed filters, produces coffee with clarity and complexity.

In fact, it's the filters that are the star of the CHEMEX® show. They are 20-30% heavier than other filters and remove even the finest sediment particles. The design of the filter facilitates the proper infusion time by regulating the filtration rate - about a 4 minute brew.

One warning: As the filters are made of heavy paper, they require a full rinse with hot water, before brewing, to remove any paper taste.

Since the CHEMEX® is made out of glass, you can see the coffee as it brews and, as it's a pour over method, you can also customize your particular brew method very easily.

It comes with a polished wood collar and leather tie: the collar serving as an insulated handle around the middle of the coffeemaker.

The CHEMEX® is so cool that it has a permanent display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and is how James Bond makes his coffee. What other endorsements do you need?

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